Viva con Agua South Africa

In 2020, the Viva con Agua network expanded to include another independent organisation: Viva con Agua South Africa was founded. As an independent organisation, it implements WASH projects (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) in cooperation with local authorities, service providers and, above all, directly with the local community.

South Africa has the greatest social imbalance in the world (see World Bank 2022). The gap between rich and poor is enormous. COVID-19 has once again emphasised the health effects of the lack of access to clean water, toilets and hand-washing facilities for unserved or underserved population groups.

This is why Viva con Agua in South Africa is committed to ensuring access to clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene for all people.

The WASH projects in South Africa

  • #1

    Toilets and drinking water for schools

  • #2

    Hygiene workshops for children

  • #3

    Community Radio

  • #4

    A mobile WASH Bus

Unsere Family